
Are Grahms's Loss Of Faith Or No Faith?

Decent Essays

Faith or no faith Grahms’s faith was tested by God in many ways, the focus of it, was his family. He was tested to see if he could keep his faith even after some damages were being made towards his family. Graham was a very strong believer in God and he was leading his family down that path as well. Things slowly started falling apart and all God asked of him was his faith, during the movie signs and during all of the major events that were meant to cause him trouble, Graham little by little started to lose his faith. The day he completely lost it and didn’t want to “waste” any more time on God was the day every bad act came upon him and his family.

One of the major tragedies that occurs, is that when Graham’s wife is killed, she was pinned up to a tree, by a truck. After this occurs, it is almost obvious that Colleen was to be pronounced dead but she wasn’t, she was able to get some words across to Graham, within her last couple breaths. The words she told Graham were simple, and short but had so much meaning behind each and every one of them. The one that stood out to me the most was when she told him to look around and, to believe. This can be interpreted as, in the moment of the alien’s attack he should look around to the tragedy that is occurring and believe that God has the power to stop it all if he only shows God that he has that one …show more content…

There are little details that lead up to the last major event, that in the moment it seems like nothing but once it comes to trouble times, is when they happen to show up the most. Morgan having asthma puts his life at risk in many ways. Bo had been planting “water bombs” that later come to serve the family as a very good defensive sword. Morgan reading that alien book ended up helping a lot as well. The little things are what matter most in this

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