
Archetypes In Cinderella

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The Conflict of Good and Evil; An Analysis of Significant Archetypes in Cinderella The struggle between good and evil is the primal conflict of the mind, but it is the choices we make that let us overcome this conflict for the better. The age-old tale of Cinderella utilizes this concept and illustrates a brilliant story about a young woman struggling to achieve true love while simultaneously enduring arbitrary abuse from her stepmother. Regarding this, the more recent film adaption of the story directed by Kenneth Branagh extends the same plot into a more symbolic and archetypical piece. Accordingly, the movie Cinderella, effectively applies several aspects of archetypes from Jung’s literary theory to demonstrate how good always triumphs over evil. The use of significant archetypes such as the hero looking for true love, a supernatural intervention, and the devil figure, all contribute to expanding on this theme. Primarily, the heroine looking for love is one of the most substantial character archetypes that influence the development of the story’s charming plot. Specifically, this archetype applies to the main character; Cinderella, who is purely influenced by the love she has for the Prince. Despite the barrage of unrelenting abuse from her stepmother, Ella strongly believes that the prince will return her feelings, which motivates her to plough through her constraints with the aid of her Fairy God Mother. Regarding this, the antagonist represents the evil in the way of the protagonist; Cinderella, which is why when she is defeated, it further accentuates the idea of good triumphing over evil. Overall, using the “Hero as lover” archetype, the theme of the story is enhanced and portrayed effectively. Moreover, the supernatural intervention is a slightly less prevalent yet noteworthy symbolic archetype that aids the closure of the plot. The Fairy God Mother falls under this example due to her role in assisting the protagonist with her divine and magical powers; explicitly, equipping Cinderella with a dress, a chariot, and her iconic glass shoes. The Godmother is a spiritual being who only awakens after realizing Ella’s extreme desperation, she promptly aids her with any necessary gifts which allows her to

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