
Apa Format Sample

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Sample of Chicago Formatted Paper

Tina Howell
History 301
Professor Zhiwei Xiao
February 16,2017 Professor Zhiwei Xiao stated that the historical research paper should be in “Chicago Style Format not APA or MLA” in his History 301 class (Spring 2017). There are a few key factors in a Chicago Style paper, the first is margins should be 1” on all sides. Second, the line spacing should be set at 2.0, and third, the font should be set at 12 point. There are several sources to refer to, to properly implement Chicago manual style. For example, there is a book called Chicago Manual of Style it is in its 16th printing by University of Chicago, and a copy is located at the CSUSM library. There is also a well-known website …show more content…

Writing history requires diligence, research, checking and rechecking the information and most of all an understanding that no matter how hard a person tries their own beliefs, biases, and history will color the information they are writing. Having the ability to trace the steps writers take to arrive at certain conclusions helps the readers to assimilate the information with some degree of understanding, if they choose to follow the research. This does not mean that everyone who reads the material will arrive at the same conclusion, however, just as a writer has bias, so does the reader.

2005. ""Social Darwinism." New Dictionary of the History of Ideas." Inc. The Gale Group. Accessed 2 14, 2017.
Clements, Jessica, Elizabeth Angeli, Karen Schiller, S. C. Gooch, Laurie Pinkert, and Allen Brizee. 2013. The Purdue OWL. April 3. Accessed February 13, 2017.
2002. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Directed by Chris Columbus. Performed by R Harris.
Pullen, Alison, and Carl Rhodes. 2008. "Dirty writing." Culture & Organization 14, no. 3 241-259.
University of Chicago, Press. 1982. The Chicago Manual of Style. Chicago: University of Chicago

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