
Animal Welfare

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Animal Welfare

The concern given to non-human animals with regard to physical and psychological well being known as animal welfare. Animal welfare advocates enhancing conditions for animals while still permitting human beings to benefit from various uses from the animals (Preece & Chamberlain, 2007). Animals play diverse roles in human lives. Whether an animal is being used for law enforcement, or being used in a rescue mission, or being used as pets in human beings households, the animals make the lives of human beings better (Haynes, 2010). In a regular basis, animals used in research, to help medical doctors in discovering new treatments for diverse diseases. Animals used in research have assisted in …show more content…

The remains may be because of diseases, therefore, there is a danger that the diseases passed to the animals.

When human beings feed on the animals, they also have a risk of contaminating the disease. No governmental laws have been established that ensure animals in farms treated accordingly. Farmers have the right their animals in the way they please. Since we depend on animals for a number of uses, it is logical that the animals should be treated well. Animals used for food and other products should be provided with proper treatment even though they will be killed in the end. Nonetheless, during their lifetime they should be handled with care and concern. Therefore, proper laws should be applied to farmers to ensure proper treatment given to animals.

Animal welfare should also be applied in the community, within the community animals are used in diverse ways. They are used for protection, as pets and for domestic purposes. Nonetheless, PETA an animal rights association disregard with the people’s norm of keeping animals as pets. The group protests against keeping animals as pets claiming that the animals are confined and do not have freedom of movements. This concern came about as a result of a recent incident where a man let free 50 wild animals free, the police had to act fast to ensure no one harmed by the animals (Mellor, 2009). The police had no option but to shoot the animals to death. This was a sad incident because if the

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