
Analysis Of The Film Noir/Gangster Genre

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The category of film one chooses or can write is called a genre, they are identifiable types, categories, classifications or groups of films that contain conventions (Dercksen, 2015), in other words, Film genre are the categories in which the film being taken into consideration fall into. In this paper, a range of visual narratives and how they communicate effectively to a specific audience will be analyzed. These three visual narratives are; the horror film genre, the Film Noir/ Gangster Genre as well as the genre Science Fiction.
Horror is defined as a representation for the need of suppressing uncomfortable and disturbing desires (Strinati, 2000). The horror film distinguishes between what is normal and what is monstrous (Grant, 2007). …show more content…

The characters are usually materialistic, street-smart and self-destructive (Dirks, 2018) this is expressed in the film Goodfellas (1990) which is based off the portrayal of the life of Henry Hill, an FBI informant. In the Do you think I’m funny scene, the mobster who was loud and speaking the loudest fell into the cliché character category as his behavior was self-destructive and boisterous. The gangster’s success is typically followed by his failure (Wilson, 2015). The gangster film provides a critical perspective on the American Dream that warns humans of the consequences associated with consumerism and greed (Hoffman, 2014). This genre involves a lot of brutality (Hoffman, 2014) which in the scene of Goodfellas is exhibited when a bottle was smashed on the head of a waiter who was speaking to the mobster. The film noir brings up a series of generic, stylistic or traits from Hollywood films between a specific period of time, for example; the characters and stories (Femmes Fatales hiring private eyes). The Film noir also includes urban settings (Naremore, n.d.) one of which is seen in the movie Goodfellas where the I’m funny how scene is shot in a busy restaurant in an urban area. The Iconography of Film Noir can be found in the clothing of the characters which consist of suits and/or snap-brim hats which were seen in the movie Goodfellas. The primary moods of film noir were melancholy, evil, guilt, desperation and paranoia (Dirks, 2018). Film noir films showed the dark side of humans (Dirks, 2018) which is seen in the boisterous and drunk behaviors of the characters in the I’m funny how scene of Goodfellas. The lighting in Film Noir films can be describes as expressionistic (Dirks, 2018) meaning that it was close to the lighting that would be found in real life. The camera angles of these

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