
Essay on American Slavery

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The Constitution of the United States was first created in 1787, to create a structure and establish the responsibilities of the American government. The goals of its drafters were to protect the inherent rights of citizens of the United States of America, establish a Government run by the people, and separate the government’s powers between three different branches (Executive, Legislative and Judicial). By accomplishing the goals of the Constitution, its drafters unified the people of the United States and created a bond between the states. However, after decades of constant bickering between the American people regarding the Constitution; the union its creators initially set out to form was completely dismantled. The Constitution of the …show more content…

It added Missouri to the Union as a slave state, and Maine a free state. At the same time it drew a line through all the rest of the new territories excluding slavery forever above the Mason Dixon Line. The Missouri Compromise was the beginning of the Constitution’s drastic effect on slavery in the South. It preserved sectional balance for over 30 thirty years and provided time for the nation to mature. Therefore the Missouri Compromise was an immediate solution to maintain unity in our country and still avoid the issue of slavery.
In 1849, Californians submitted a constitution for their state that banned slavery. Even though President Taylor was a slaveholder himself, he supported the immediate admission of both California and New Mexico, as free states. Southern extremists met in Nashville in 1850 to discuss secession. Henry Clay in an attempt to once again keep our country united submitted a proposal that would admit California to the Union as a free state, adopt a Fugitive Slave Law, ban slave trade in Washington D.C., and allow settlers of Utah and New Mexico to decide the slavery issue by popular sovereignty. This Compromise of 1850 again set the issued of slavery aside while keeping the country united.
Although the Compromise of 1850 helped to solve the problem of the time, the new Fugitive Slave Law greatly upset the Northerners. It denied slaves trial by a jury, the

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