
Advocating For The Legalization Of Marijuana Is Not A Novel

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Advocating for the legalization of marijuana is not a novel cause. However, recently the public has grown increasingly aware on the benefits of marijuana. The drug is no longer for hippies who live in a van, at least not exclusively. It can be used by patients suffering from a variety of illnesses, including cancer, anxiety, depression, autism and more; however, studies are still being conducted on the effectiveness of these treatments. Many people advocate for the legalization of the drug solely based on the tax revenue it will provide. Although it is a notable benefit to the potential policy change, taxes do not affect equality nor efficiency of the economy. It is merely a transfer of money. Equality and efficiency are the two most …show more content…

Although the African American jail population today is nowhere near as large as it was in the 1800’s, it is still disproportionately disadvantaging African Americans along with other racial minorities. Not only are the incarceration rates unjust, but they are the largest in the world, despite a decline in violent crime for the past few decades (Lofstrom and Raphael, 2016). According to the Uniform Crime Reports, which categorize both property crimes and violent crimes, each month per 100,000 people. Property crimes include incidents involving the burglary and theft of property. Conversely, “murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults” are categorized as violent crimes (Lofstrom and Raphael, 2016). The data associated with both crimes shows a consistent decrease in reported crime since the 1990’s. Violent crime reports decreased from 750 in 1990 per 100,000 people to below 400 in 2010, while property crime reports went from a little over 5,000 to just under 3,000. It is important to note that only reports of crime went down, not crime itself; however, the numbers are significant enough to imply a decline in criminal activity.
Two studies that analyze the proportion of African Americans and the population below the poverty line in conjunction with the property and

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