
Absolute Monarchy Dbq

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In 17th-18th century Europe, the age of absolutism, absolute monarchs ruled most of Europe. Absolute monarchs are rulers that have complete control over the government and its people. They claimed to rule by “divine right,” where their authority comes from God and they were above the law. The views of being a proper role as an absolute monarch differed very much between rulers and their subjects. Certain rulers had ideas that both the people and ruler should be united, some abused their power with no sympathy towards the people they rule, and the subjects that suffered from the rulings of the monarch had a completely different perspective than the rulers that were in power. Absolute monarchs such as Frederick II of Prussia, also called Frederick …show more content…

During his rule, from 1740 to 1786, Frederick the Great expanded Prussia’s territory and increased military power by reorganizing its armies. Besides being famous for his military achievements and tactics, his fascinations with arts and science made him a great humanist. In the book, The Prince, written by Niccolo Machiavelli, Machiavelli explains how a monarch should rule, and the rule of Frederick II is very similar to the enlightened despots of His view of being a proper role as an absolute monarch is to make sure that he and his people are united as one. It means that the ruler and the ruled should hold the same interests and goals. This sort of reign should please the subjects because their ruler actually cares about the people’s well-being, so that the subjects and their country can both prosper. Another “enlightened despot,” Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II (r. 1780-1790), also shared some similarities to Frederick the Great. In document 2, an excerpt from a letter to Leopold of Tuscany, “Patriotism, the welfare of the monarchy,... are my only passion, and they would inspire me …show more content…

In cases where both the subjects and the monarch are happy with shared views on absolute ruling properly, the ruler should first unify his people to have the same goals as him which is to help their country be successful powerfully and financially. If the absolute monarch uses his power to his advantage, then the the subjects would not share the same view as their monarch, because they are living in poverty and unfair conditions, whereas the king is living in luxury and enjoying all the food they please. The subjects' view depend greatly on how they live their life, they might want everyone to live equally with enough food and money to get by, and to get rid of the gap between the powerful and the powerless. The rulers and the subjects have one ideal in common which is to help their country expand and prosper. Both the ruler and the subjects' views are so different since they are leading such contrasting lives, but a common ground they have is their country. They want their country to be great and powerful and they both hold much pride in living and calling it their

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