
A Long Way Gone Analysis

Decent Essays

Some may argue that writing is not the only way to help others, there is no denying that there are other possibilities like group therapy but writing is still an avenue that can be taken towards the betterment of an individual. For example, Judy Willis, author of “Writing and the Brain: Neuroscience Shows the Pathways to Learning.” Stated,
“When groups are planned so that each member's strengths have authentic importance to the ultimate success of the group's activity, this creates a situation where individual learning styles, skills, and talents are valued, and students shine in their fortes and learn from each other in the areas where they are not as expert.”(Willis)
Willis is correct on the point that when individuals gather and share their knowledge amongst one another solutions can come about; however, the purpose of writing is not for solutions but for the reader to understand what is being written.
In Ishmael Beah’s, A Long Way Gone, Beah states, “ There were all kinds of stories told about the war that made it sound as if it was happening in a faraway and different land. It wasn’t until refugees …show more content…

When Beah experienced the traumatic events he did not write anything down, he lived through them. Beah went through the process of forgiveness without writing almost a single word on his journey. Beah did not need to write to help himself, Beah got through everything that he had because of the people that he met along his journey but although Beah was an individual who did not need writing to help himself while he was on his journey, Beah wrote the memoir in order to spread awareness and give a first-hand account about a war that was going on and the people who were affected. In Beah's case sharing with others was what brought him relief but writing served as a medium for how the story got spread, writing was not the answer in his

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