
A Brief Note On Mandatory Overtime And The Impact On Nurse Safety

Good Essays

Appraising the Evidence: Mandatory Overtime – Impact on Nurse Safety
Caroline Opyd
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR 449: Evidence-Based Practice
November, 2015 Mandatory Overtime and the Impact it has on Nurse Safety
This paper addresses how mandatory overtime shifts cause safety problems on the floor, and how these shifts impact nurses’ safety. Safety errors can happen in the blink of an eye, and happen more than most healthcare systems would like to admit. On-going issues with nursing shortages have led to an increase in the amount of hours worked overtime. Numerous studies show that mandatory overtime causes an increase in safety errors among nurses in the healthcare setting. According to the article based on the observational study titled, “Scheduling and shift work characteristics associated with risk for occupation injury in newly licensed registered nurses”, there is a direct association between overtime and night shifts and an increased risk for injury (Stimpfel, Brewer, & Kovner, 2015). The statistics from this study show the serious impact overtime can have on a nurses’ safety, with results stating that “nurses working weekly overtime were associated with a 32% increase in the risk of a needle stick” over those who did not work extended hours (Stimpfel, 2015).
Clinical Question
The first article appraised, “The Working Hours of Hospital Staff Nurses and Patient Safety”, uses a qualitative design to provide evidence assessing how overtime shifts

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