
22084111 57351200 Essay

Better Essays

Eng100: English Journal Entries 1-6
Bianca Perez

June 10, 2015 - ENTRY 1: Me, a Writer? Attitude: Writing has never been my thing, at least when it comes to essays and research papers. It can take me awhile to get my ideas flowing. I’m very excited to complete this course so I can become a better writer. Although I often don’t like writing research papers or essays, I don’t feel that any personal feelings towards writing will have any negative effects on my quality of work. I’m looking forward to what this course has to teach me. Inventory: I am an independent learner, so this course is perfect for my learning style. I’m also a spatial learner which means I take in information by studying graphics. One way I would …show more content…

June 21, 2015- ENTRY 3: Prewriting and Thesis Statement Brainstorming: Social media and social networking website/apps to connect with people.
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Tumblr
4. Instagram
Respond: There are a few differences among these social media website/apps. Facebook is a site where people create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and keep in touch with family and friends. Twitter is a service where users send and read 140- character messages called tweets. Tumblr is a site where users create their own blogs and choose the content they put whether it’s just photos or writing. Instagram is an online mobile app where users post only videos and photos. There are different categories when it comes to social media like photo sharing, video, publishing and blogging.
Thesis Statement: In our generation, internet users are connecting with family, friends and meet people using social media app/websites.
Reflect: People are using social media to connect with family and friends more and more these days. It’s the quickest and most convenient way. Mobile apps make it possible to connect on the go. For example, Facebook and Tumblr is the most versatile one to date. Users are able to upload everything from photos, videos, and links and send messages.

July 20, 2015- ENTRY 4: Organizing and Drafting
“In our generation, internet users are connecting with family, friends and meet people using social media app/websites.
What is Social Media?

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