u07d1_Andrea Steht



Capella University *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by ProfIceManatee23 on coursehero.com

I am currently working as a substitute teacher at the jr./sr. high school close to my home. I do not have any weekly supervision and do not have experience with technology-assisted supervision and training (TAST). When thinking about TAST, I’m unsure of how it can be used in my future practicum placement. When I lived in Illinois, I worked for the Illinois Coalition for Community Services. The main office is in Springfield, IL, but I worked in an office in Barry, IL (2 hours west of Springfield). My supervisor’s office was in Charleston, IL (about 2 hours east of Springfield), which was 4 hours from my office. My coworker and I would often travel to Springfield to meet with our supervisor. If we had questions or concerns, we were able to call our supervisor to ask questions. Having access to applications such as Zoom, Google Meet, Facetime, etc. would have ensured better accountability, the organization wouldn’t have needed to pay milage for me to travel to Springfield, and my supervisor could’ve possibly provided extra training when needed. These are definitely some benefits to having access to TAST. When thinking about social media, there is a fine line sometimes when it comes to maintaining boundaries. I have friended coworkers and supervisors on social media in the past. However, once a post is made on social media, a boundary can be crossed, causing ethical issues, potential harm to clients, and, in some cases, a person can lose their job due to postings. Gilbert, C., & Maxwell, C. F. (2011). Clinical supervision in healthcare in the Internet era . Social Work Today, 11 (2), 24. http://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/032311p24.shtml Andrea Steht
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