W07 Assignment_ Case Study



Brigham Young University, Idaho *

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Feb 20, 2024





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Case Study Name: Instructor name: Class: REL 200, Section C Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to apply your knowledge and deepen your learning from responding to real life examples that you or others may face in defending the Proclamation and the eternal family . You must answer the questions in the case study (cut and paste them below for reference). Be sure to connect the references to your thoughts and discuss why/how the reference helps to answer or strengthen your response . Responses must show thought, reflection, pondering and depth with college-level writing skills. You must provide at least four citations  from the talks discussed in this unit. Each citation must be from a different talk. You must also use the Proclamation and at least one scripture . The passages must be cited properly based on the following criteria: Question or requirement 1: What gospel principles or doctrines are involved in the case study, and how do they help to clarify and give direction in addressing the situation? Question or requirement 2: Drawing inspiration from the proclamation, scripture block, and talks, discuss what resources you would use to address the dilemma and how those resources would be helpful. Question or requirement 3: Are there specific things you would suggest that could be done to help resolve the issue? Question or requirement 4 (if required): Copy and Paste the question or requirement here for reference Case Study Report In 1-2 page(s), write a response that responds appropriately to the requirements and questions for the case study that you have chosen. As his roommate, I would comfort him that God understood his situation, remind him that we are always learning, and let him know that it is okay to have questions. Then, to the best of my abilities, I would explain why the temple and the ordinances are essential to him. I would start by citing The Family: A Proclamation to the World's third paragraph. It states that families can continue to exist after this life thanks to the redemption plan and that Heavenly Father sent us to Earth to acquire a physical body and have an earthly experience. Families can be reunited for all eternity in temples, allowing one to return to God's presence. (The Family: A Proclamation to the World, Paragraph 3). Due to oppressive regimes or geographical remoteness, many individuals have lived on our planet without hearing the name of Jesus Christ. They will not follow him and be baptized in this life if they have never heard of Jesus Christ. We must be baptized according to God's principles to join the Kingdom of God. Our loving Heavenly Father grants them another chance because it would be unreasonable to criticize and hold accountable those who have never heard of Jesus Christ for something over which they had no control. Those who did not understand and accept the gospel in this life will have another opportunity to do so in the next. This makes the dead's baptism an essential part of God's Plan. The most significant duty God has given us in this world is to look for our deceased, according to Elder Bednar. (Elder David A. Bednar, The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn, Ensign, November 2011) This fundamental fact is an essential part of our Father's strategy. It gives them hope that their loved ones are still alive and well. As per President Nelson, "Marriage between a man and a woman is sacred – it is ordained of God," and "A temple marriage is called a celestial marriage. A husband and wife must be sealed for all of time and must uphold their
promises established in a holy temple in order to gain the best." (President Russell M. Nelson, Celestial Marriage, Ensign, November 2008). The fact that God made it possible for us to spend all of eternity with the people we love is, in my opinion, the Plan of Happiness's peak. The baptized will not only join the Kingdom of God, but we can also live as a family there. We have all the resources required to achieve a good marriage when we include the Lord in our marriage. By no means does this imply that everything is perfect or free of problems. Numerous issues will crop up, but it is up to you and your spouse to overcome them. Elder Oaks said, "No matter how difficult your experiences, you have the promise that you will not be denied the blessings of eternal family relationships if you love the Lord, keep His commandments, and just do the best you can." (Ensign, May 2007, Elder Dallin H. Oaks – Divorce). "[The temple] will greatly bless your life and provide essential ordinances for those beyond the veil that they cannot obtain by themselves." (Ensign, May 1999, Elder Richard G. Scott – Receive the Temple Blessings). D&C 95:8 says, "Yea, verily I say unto you, I give unto you a commandment that you should build a house, in the which house I design to endow those whom I have chosen with power from on high." In addition to making you joyful and giving you strength, the temple offers necessary ordinances for people who have passed away and cannot receive them on their own. This is what makes temples so essential and pertinent to our lives. References Used (All 6 required): Scripture: D&C 95:8 Proclamation: Paragraph 3 Talk: Ensign, November 2011, Elder David A. Bednar - “The Hearts Of The Children Shall Turn” Talk: Ensign, November 2008, President Russell M. Nelson – “Celestial Marriage” Talk: Ensign, May 2007, Elder Dallin H. Oaks – “Divorce” Talk: Ensign, May 1999, Elder Richard G. Scott – Receive the Temple Blessings
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