Gospel Interview-Savannah Lazrine



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May 10, 2024





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RLGN 104 G OSPEL I NTERVIEW – S AVANNAH L AZRINE Part One Add Gospel Methods content below. Add a Reference, Works Cited, or Bibliography at the bottom of Part One based on the formatting style of your choice (APA, MLA, or Turabian). There are multiple different methods of sharing the gospel, however the most commonly utilized and successful would be the Roman’s Road and FAITH methods. These approaches are specifically designed to be clear and concise as well as easy to remember so as to enable clear communication of the message of salvation. To do so, they both rely heavily on scripture. The Roman’s Road method is just as it sounds, basically. It is a process that utilizes verses from the book of Romans to direct and guide individuals toward salvation. It begins with recognizing that all of mankind have fallen short of God’s glory and sinned, as stated in Romans 3:23. The next step is understanding that sin leads to death. “For the wages of sin is death,” (Romans 6:23, King James Bible, 2018). Next comes the comprehension that Christ’s death and resurrection offers salvation to the faithful who believe it so. And last but certainly not least, the individual must verbally confess that Jesus is Lord and must also believe in their heart that God raised Christ from the dead, which results in salvation. The FAITH method is merely an acronym that breaks down and simplifies the gospel into five specific points. “F” refers to “Forgiveness,” stressing the need for forgiveness as a consequence for sin. Next, “A” represents “Available,” focusing on the message that salvation is open for anyone who believes. The third point, “I” is for “Impossible,” which emphasizes that good deeds do not earn salvation alone. Next, “T” is for “Turn,” urging those listening to turn away from sin and repent, as well as urging them to turn to God. Finally, “H” refers to “Heaven,” the promise of eternal life in Heaven for those who have faith in Jesus Christ the Lord. Both of these methods are highly effective when it comes to sharing the gospel with others. By using the power of scripture, these methods offer a direct and concise message about salvation. The results are evident as Christians can confidently communicate the gospel as well as inspire others around them to place their faith in Christ as well. References King James Bible Online. (2018). OFFICIAL KING JAMES BIBLE ONLINE: AUTHORIZED KING JAMES VERSION (KJV) . Kingjamesbibleonline.org. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/ Page 1 of 3
RLGN 104 Part Two 1. What has been your religious upbringing? Did your parents, or those who raised you, have religious beliefs? If so, what did they believe and practice? Answer: “I did not receive any sort of religious upbringing, though I did grow up in a small-town community where most of my friends did receive a religious upbringing.” 2. If you could ask God a question, what would you ask Him and Why? Answer: “I understand giving mankind free will, but if He really is all-knowing and powerful, why did He allow so much suffering and pain?” 3. What has had the biggest impact on your current beliefs about God and Christianity? Answer: “Personal experiences have played a big role in why I believe what I do now, as well as witnessing the experiences of loved ones around me. Answered prayers and positive impacts faith has on others has touched my heart.” 4. What do believe regarding the Bible? Answer: “I believe that the Bible is the word of God. I believe that God is the sole inspiration for scripture and that it contains truths that are still relevant in the lives of everyone today.” 5. What do you believe about Jesus Christ? Answer: “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He alone is the way to salvation. He lived the perfect life and sacrificed Himself on the cross for our sins, washing them away with His blood. I believe He rose on the third day, offering eternal life and happiness to those who believe and have faith in Him.” Page 2 of 3
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