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Apr 3, 2024





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Prisons and Psychopathology Erin Hoang Psychology Department, University of Nevada Las Vegas PSY 341: Foundation of Abnormal Psychology Instructor: Paul A. Nelson January 31, 2024
Section 1 The episode begins with an interview of a man by the police about his current situation and living conditions. The narrator then explains the circumstances of the man, due to the shut down of the nation's psychiatric hospital, leading patients to become involuntary homeless individuals. The police are in charge of handling these individuals. The troubles of the patients, being kicked out of their homes with no refuge, bring to mind the sympathy. The unfortunate cycle continues as they end up in jail by the same police responsible for them. Listening to the words of the prisoners in Ohio sharing their daily lives makes my heart even heavier. During an interview with Mr. James Schmidt, a correction officer, he mentioned that sometimes the use of force is necessary to control certain mental ill inmates here. When someone is out of control, they are compelled to use force to restrain them. Furthermore, those inside the prison seem genuinely pitiable. In the middle of the episode, it reaches a climax by showing us the intense situation of an inmate exhibiting aggressive behavior towards both themselves and the staff in that prison. They had to resort to using the entire D.O.C. intervention team to subdue and separate Danny from the communal cell due to his inappropriate behavior. Danny had previously harmed himself and resisted officers by spitting spits and throwing bodily waste at them. The majority of this episode will focus more on behaviors indicating that the inmates have mental health issues and depict their lives in prison. We can also put ourselves in the perspectives of the officers. These officers have different views and thoughts. But overall, I feel that the United States needs better solutions for inmates with mental health issues. They also have the right to live a healthier life.
Section 2 After watching the entire episode, I have mixed feelings towards U.S. prisons. My heart tightened seeing innocent patients enduring homelessness, being even expelled from their homes by their own families, rendering them involuntarily homeless. A quote that lingered in my mind was, "They are non-violent crimes but committing crimes against property," which left me feeling more frustrated. Things took a darker turn when the portrayal of officers' helplessness and their patience dealing with mentally ill inmates left me feeling helpless and clueless. The unfolding events, coupled with the quote, intensified my anger. Initially, I thought that things couldn't get any worse. I believed that the patients would find a safer place to live and regain their freedom. However, the harsh reality set in when the police had to escort them to prison. Things took a darker turn when the truth inside the prison was revealed. The image of inmates sitting in a cage to have a conversation with a therapist made me contemplate ethics more deeply. Regarding the issue of officers having to use force to control inmates, in my opinion, I would still agree if that were the last resort to control and help those inmates avoid misbehaving in the future. Section 3 The article addresses the challenges faced by prisoners with mental illness during the transition from prison to the community. It stresses out the problematic nature of providing mental health services during this critical period, with identified negative outcomes. The systematic review focuses on interventions aimed at prisoners diagnosed with mental health conditions during the transition, encompassing various stages of release, from Medicaid enrollment to assertive community treatment. One of the core findings focused on the results of
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