Research Methods Assignment (1)



Norwalk Community College *

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Dec 6, 2023





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Name: Research Methods Assignment Multiple Choice (2 points each): Identify your answers by changing them to bold font like this. 1. “Children who watch violent cartoons will become more aggressive.” According to the scientific method, this statement is most likely a(n) ____. a. conclusion b. result c. hypothesis d. fact 2. Robbie went to McDonald’s to observe people eating in fast-food restaurants. He brought a camera crew and bright lights, and they all wore yellow jump suits. Robbie said he wanted to do a naturalistic observation but may have had some problems because of _____. a. room crowding b. observer effects c. participant observation d. eating McDonald’s food 3. Dr. Smith is conducting research in Kenya into the ways that mothers and their toddlers interact throughout the day. Given the purpose of her study, it is most likely that she is engaged in ____. a. experimental research b. laboratory observation c. case study research d. naturalistic observation 4. The magazine Desperate Wives publishes a survey of its female readers called “The Sex Life of the American Wife.” It reports that 87 percent of all wives like to make love in rubber boots. The critical flaw in this research would be the fact that ____. a. the sample is not representative of American wives b. a psychological test, rather than a survey, should have been given c. rubber boots are not equally available in all regions of the country d. making love has not been operationally defined 5. Peter records data that indicates the number of hot chocolates sold at the concession stand increases as temperature outside decreases. Which of the following statements is the most accurate depiction of this finding? a. There is a correlation between the two variables. b. There is a strong, positive correlation between the two variables. c. There is a weak, positive correlation between the two variables. d. There is a negative correlation between the two variables. 6. Jamie finds that the number of hours she sleeps each night is related to the scores she receives on quizzes the next day. As her sleep approaches 8 hours, her quiz scores improve; as her sleep drops to 5 hours, her quiz scores show a similar decline. Jamie realizes that ____. a. there is a negative correlation between the number of hours she sleeps and her quiz grades b. there is a positive correlation between the number of hours she sleeps and her quiz grades c. her low quiz scores are caused by sleep deprivation the night before a quiz d. she should sleep about 10 hours a night to ensure 100 percent quiz grades 1
7. All of the following variables, except for ____, would likely show a positive correlation. a. height and weight b. men’s educational level and their income c. alcohol consumption and scores on a driving test d. school grades and IQ scores 8. All of the following variables, except for ____, would likely show a negative correlation. a. average income and the incidence of dental disease b. adult shoe size and IQ scores c. the value of a car and the age of a car d. hours spent watching TV and grade-point average 9. Which of the following correlation coefficients represents the strongest relationship between two variables? a. .50 b. .25 c. –.25 d. –.75 10. A correlation coefficient represents two things: ____and ____. a. a representative sample; strength b. strength; direction of the relationship c. the experimental group; control group d. direction of the relationship; expectant functionality 11. A researcher is investigating the effects of exercise on weight. What are the independent and dependent variables in this experiment? a. The dependent variable is weight; the independent variable is exercise. b. The independent variable is calories consumed; the dependent variable is diet. c. The independent variable is weight; the dependent variable is calories consumed. d. The dependent variable is amount of exercise; the independent variable is calories consumed. 12. In order to increase typing speed, Minisoft has redesigned its keyboard and provided a chime that is related to typing speed. The company wants to know if its innovations affect typing speed. Identify the independent and dependent variables in this proposed study. The dependent variable is: a. the chime; the independent variables are the chime and typing speed. b. Typing speed; the independent variables are keyboard design and the chime. c. keyboard design; the independent variables are typing speed and the chime. d. the number of errors made; the independent variables are the chime and typing. 13. Independent variable is to dependent variable as ____. a. effect is to confound b. experimental is to correlation c. measure is to manipulate d. manipulate is to measure 14. Which of the following is a common ethical guideline when conducting psychological research? a. Participants must be informed of the nature of the research in clearly understandable language. b. Debriefing may be omitted when young children are involved. c. Participants cannot be subjected to any stressful stimuli. d. Participants may not withdraw once they start. 2
15. In a laboratory, smokers are asked to “drive” using a computerized driving simulator equipped with a stick shift and a gas pedal. The object is to maximize the distance covered by driving as fast as possible on a winding road while avoiding rear-end collisions. Some of the participants smoke a real cigarette immediately before climbing into the driver’s seat. Others smoke a fake cigarette without nicotine. You are interested in comparing how many collisions the two groups have. In this study, the participants who smoke a cigarette without nicotine comprise the _____. a. control group b. simulation group c. experimental group d. no-control group 16. Two groups of graduate students were given rats and were told to teach them how to run mazes. Group 1 was told that they had “very smart” rats that should learn quickly. Group 2 was told that they had “very stupid” rats that should learn slowly. In actuality, neither group was any different, and the rats were randomly assigned. In spite of that, when the experiment concluded, Group 1 rats had learned the maze much more quickly. How can that be explained? a. experimenter effect b. placebo effect c. subject bias d. treatment effect 17. A weakness of _____ is that subjects participating in the research often report, consciously and unconsciously, inaccurate information. a. naturalistic observation b. surveys c. field experiments d. laboratory experiments 18. Cause-and-effect conclusions can be drawn from the results of an experiment because: a. it is almost always performed in a laboratory setting. b. statistical analysis can be applied to data from an experiment. c. the independent variable is manipulated while other possible causes of change in the dependent variable are held constant. d. several groups of subjects, not just one sample, are typically investigated in a laboratory experiment. 19. The purpose of a control group in an experiment is to: a. serve as a check on the interpretation of results. b. increase the ability to generalize the findings. c. manipulate the dependent variable. d. represent the general, nonlaboratory population. 20. Why is it essential that experimental and control groups be treated identically in every respect but one? a. so that the dependent variable can be accurately measured b. so that the results will apply outside the laboratory setting. c. so that if the behavior of the two groups differs, the difference can be credited to the one thing that distinguished the groups from one another. d. so that if the behavior of the two groups differs, that difference can be used to establish a functional relationship between the independent and dependent variables. 3
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