Assignment-Compensation Ethnics class



Merced College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Political Science


Apr 3, 2024





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Question: Is the idea of compensations a good one? Would it help at least somewhat to rectify a great historic injustice? What other groups should be do compensation besides African Americans. (Feel free to include groups that we have not specifically mentioned) What would be some of the problems that could be encountered with this kind of program. Where should the money come from, and what would you say to people who say their ancestors came here in the early 1900s, after the Civil War, and who therefore never had slaves? Response: The idea of compensation for historic injustices is a complex one, and opinions on its effectiveness are divided. Some argue that it is a necessary step towards addressing systemic inequality, while others believe that it is not a feasible solution or that it could create resentment and division. In addition to African Americans, other groups that could potentially be considered for compensation include Native Americans, who have suffered historical injustices such as forced removal from their land and the loss of cultural heritage, and Japanese Americans who were interned during World War II. Other groups that have been historically marginalized, such as Latinx Americans and LGBTQ+ communities, could also be considered. One of the main problems with a compensation program is determining who is eligible and how much compensation they should receive. It would also be difficult to determine who should pay for the compensation, as the government, private institutions, and individuals could all potentially be held responsible. In short, some people may argue that their ancestors did not benefit from slavery or other historical injustices, and therefore should not be held responsible for compensating others. Overall, the issue of compensations for historical injustices is a complex and controversial one, with many factors to consider. While it could potentially help to rectify past wrongs, it would need to be implemented carefully to avoid creating further division or resentment.
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