Chapter 23



Capella University *

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Dec 6, 2023





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Chapter 23: Ethical and Legal Issues Unique to Systemic Family Therapy Introduction o Things to consider that are not theory Ethical principles Code of ethics Applicable laws The context in which therapy takes place Agency of stakeholders, especially clients themselves o Autonomy—the individual’s ability to make decisions for themselves, which includes being fully informed about the benefits and risks of therapy prior to engaging in the therapeutic relationship Reflected in standard 1.2 in ethics manual o Beneficence—indicates the practitioner will practice to the best of the ability to benefit the client; from this comes the edict to do good o Non-maleficence—idea that the clinician will do not harm to the client in the course of providing services o Veracity—refers to the clinician being truthful to the clients and providing a level of honesty in their work with others o Justice—refers to fairness in therapy and providing services without discrimination Standard 1.1 of ethics manual o Fidelity—refers to honoring commitments and prompting trust o Steps of factors to consider Having an awareness that an ethical dilemma is present Identifying facts related to the dilemma Consideration of relevant ethical principles Profession’s code of ethics Consideration of applicable laws Consultation with peers Consideration of culture and context Decision making Follow-up evaluation of the process o Drawback to this decision making Assume clinicians will have time to think through the multi-step process when they need to be made in a moment Also separate actions and decisions from relationships If the situation is not seen in terms of ethics, then the entire ethical decision-making process will not happen o Complexity of ethical decision making Increased when working with two or more members of a system These people may reflect different cultures, customs, and values, in addition to the therapists o SLEEPP Model of ethical decision making S: sociocultural considerations
Including gender, race, sexual preference, class, religion, and ability to the problem, issue, or dilemma L: legal implications E: ethical imperatives Including professional codes of ethics, ethical principles, and the practitioner’s personal morals and values E: economic impact P: political ramifications P: power Both the power the therapist has by virtue of their role as therapists and power within the system with which they are working Cycle Problem, issue, or dilemma Systemic Analysis of Aituation (SLEEPP) Gather necessary information from appropriate stakeholders Implement a course of action Use any corrective feedback from system Relational ethics in SFT Suggest a move from a focus on self and other to a focus on the “we” relationship Moves from therapist thinking of “I am an ethical therapist” to “What am I doing to be relationally ethical?” Involves asking questions about who decides what is ethical and exploring how our actions impact others Becomes a process instead of a fixed identity Working with Triangles o Systemic therapy is focused on triangular relationships o Working with triangles allows the therapist to open powerful sources of influences o Triangles allows the therapist to open powerful sources of influence into relationships Triangles can be used to stabilize or destabilize relationships Managing triangles must be done while managing the therapeutic alliances Engagement in the therapeutic process Emotional connection with the SFT Safety within the therapeutic system A shared sense of purpose within the couple or family o Code of ethics When providing couple, family, or group treatment, the therapist does not disclose information outside the treatment context without a written authorization from each individual competent to execute a wavier. The therapist must not reveal any individual’s confidences to others in the client unit without the prior written permission of that individual LEGAL RIGHT TO CONFIDENTIALITY Who Is the Client?
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