Discussion Post#8



Liberty University *

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Health Science


May 13, 2024





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Brief Overview of the Organization Gap Missions Ministries is a global organization focused on evangelization and church planting. Established in 1989 as Missionary Aviation Outreach, it began its work among the Gueré people in Ivory Coast, West Africa. They focus on building and strengthening native churches, Bible Institutes, and training facilities, especially in developing countries with limited resources. The organization also promotes the gospel through various methods in areas close to traditional evangelization. Additionally, they utilize small aircraft for transportation, medical assistance, humanitarian aid, and literature distribution. Gap Missions seeks to support orphans and children in need while encouraging self-sustainability among nationals through teaching and training in areas such as agriculture and farming. Today, it serves globally, encouraging missionaries and equipping individuals for evangelistic work. Different Global Mission Ministries and Projects The different global mission ministries and projects supported by Gap Missions: 1. Gap Missions - Africa : This ministry, rooted in the work of James and LaNelle George, focuses on evangelization and church planting in Ivory Coast, West Africa. Churches have been founded and are still expanding, particularly among the Gueré tribe, despite obstacles like wars and political tensions. The ministry runs a Bible Training Institute and strongly emphasizes developing indigenous leaders. 2. Slaters to Ireland : John & Emily Slater are missionaries serving in the Republic of Ireland. Despite being a relatively new ministry, they actively engage in several evangelistic initiatives throughout Ireland. 3. Balkan Project : Gap Missions is involved in ministry outreach in the Balkans, although specific details still need to be provided due to sensitivity. 4. Gap Kids—Orphan Ministry : This ministry focuses on supporting orphans in Africa, particularly in the Ivory Coast. It provides care and support for vulnerable children, although its website is currently under construction. 5. Bible Training Institute : The Bible Training Institute in Ivory Coast is run by Gap Missions, which trains locals to evangelize and disciple their people. The institute has over seventy students whom National Ivorian Pastors are training. 6. Jungle Riders : This project aims to spread the gospel in isolated areas by using motorcycles and solar-powered projection systems. They screen films like the Jesus Film in native languages, leading to significant responses and conversions among those who have never heard the gospel. Gap Missions' global outreach includes ministries and projects for evangelization, church planting, leadership development, and humanitarian aid. Main Focus Gap Missions' focus extends to multiple countries, primarily in regions where Christianity has limited access. While their roots are in the Ivory Coast and West Africa, they have expanded their efforts to other parts of Africa, including South and Central Asia, the Middle East, and beyond. Additionally, Gap Missions supports missionary efforts in places like the Republic of Ireland and the Balkans. Therefore, their focus spans multiple countries and regions, emphasizing reaching unreached people groups globally. Mode of Entry
Based on the provided information, Gap Missions primarily engages in the mode of entry involving direct operations in the target countries. They establish churches, Bible Institutes, training centers, and orphanages within their communities. This entry mode aligns closely with establishing a physical presence and building local capacity for sustainable ministry. Additionally, Gap Missions utilizes innovative approaches, such as using small aircraft for transportation and motorcycles for remote outreach, demonstrating adaptability in their entry strategies. Overall, their approach closely resembles the direct investment mode of entry, focusing on long-term engagement and impact within the communities they serve. "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." - Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
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