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Jan 9, 2024





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Name: Garrett Perschino Professor: Savanah Downing Course: COMM 1500 Due: October 5, 2023 Interpersonal Communication Competence (ICC) Paper I will be evaluating my effectiveness, appropriateness, conversational involvement, and empathy in this paper. My aim is to break down my interpersonal communication competence (ICC) using my scores from the ICC Instrument in TopHat, and insights gained in an interview with my roommate, Harrison. My scores are semi- consistent; I scored high in Empathy and Effectiveness, scoring 14 points each. However, my scores were on the lower end in Conversational Management and Conversational Involvement, with 12 points in both. These results suggest a need for a more balanced communication skill set. This essay aims to delve into these things, identify my strongest and weakest areas in interpersonal communication, and develop a strategy for overall improvement and balance. Through this writing, I aim to successfully identify and improve my interpersonal conversation weaknesses while maintaining my strengths. Table 1 My Scores on the Interpersonal Communication Competency Instrument Adaptabilit | Conversational | Conversational , . y Involvement | Management Empathy | Effectiveness | Appropriateness o 13 12 12 14 13 14 Perschino
Effectiveness in communication is not just the successful sending of a message from one party to another. It goes beyond that to accomplish the goals intended by engaging in the interaction. Effectiveness is measured by the degree to which the communicator's objectives are met, whether to inform, persuade, or entertain. Selecting the most fitting means of communication and responses is critical for ensuring effectiveness in communication. Effective communication means that you have engaged in a conversation and successfully met your goals (Floyd 27). One example of my effectiveness is when I convinced my parents to allow us to get a dog. I entered the conversation with my goal set in stone and used their empathy and reasonability to achieve it. By using my mom's love for cute animals and agreeing to take care of the dog to appease my dad's unwillingness to be solely responsible for the dog, I was able to convince my parents to let us get a dog. We now have a fifth furry member of our family whom we love, which I believe tremendously of my effectiveness. While interviewing Harrison, who knows my communication style as well as you can, he provided further evidence of my high effectiveness in interpersonal communication. In the interview, we talked about how I have this skill to defuse argumentative situations within our friend group. We discussed times when my effective communication prevented minor disagreements from turning into more significant conflicts. According to Harrison, my ability to keep calm and articulate my points helps create a more relaxed enviornemnt where people feel free to share their thoughts, which helps prevent potential arguments within our friend group.
Communicating appropriately creates a harmonic interaction where both parties respect one another and communicate more effectively. Maintaining appropriateness in conversation is one of the most important things when communicating in a professional environment, or anywhere for that matter. Appropriateness in communication refers to following the rules and norms expected in various social contexts. It involves considering the expectations of a situation and making choices that conform to those expectations (Floyd 27). In line with this, when attending class, I treat my classmates as if we were in a professional setting and do the same for my professors. This is a perfect example of everyday appropriateness as I conform to the norms and rules expected in a classroom or educational environment. This is extended beyond the classroom as well with social gatherings and new interpersonal interactions where I strive to speak with everyone in an appropriate manner. Further proof comes once again from Harrison. At the end of our interview, I specifically asked Harrison for his opinion on my appropriateness in our typical everyday interactions and in terms of broader social context. He indicated that although there are minor occasions when I may deviate from the norm, I am generally very competent when it comes to maintaining an appropriate level of appropriateness, especially when it matters most. An example of when I may deviate is if I am too comfortable in my environment. This corroborates well with my self-assessment and further validifies its results.
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